There are certain places where everyone checks that is looking for a job. They go pick up a newspaper and look in the classified section. They go online and look on Craigslist, and other online locations that list job opportunities. They also go on to LinkedIn and put all of their job qualifications, experience, and educational degrees online. These are all pretty wise if you are looking for a job, but that is where everyone else is going as well. There are many other unique places to find job offerings.Perhaps you should be looking at bulletin boards at places like Starbucks, or at snack shops which are inside high-rise office buildings or small lunchtime restaurants in business industrial areas. It seems there are always job offerings available. Another interesting idea is to talk to someone that does mobile detailing in office parks, and ask them if they know if anyone is hiring, you’d be surprised how much information they know about the local business districts.You might also go and talk to a church during non-Sunday services, and ask the pastor if they have any information on potential jobs. Tell them of your situation, and your need to find work, and they may just refer you to someone who owns a business who attends the church who is looking for help right now. You’d be surprised how well that works. Community college bulletin boards also have job listings, and even if you aren’t a young person, you still might answer that call. Perhaps you might even be more suited because you have a little experience under your belt.If you are looking for work in the automotive sector, you might talk to the guy who delivers and sells tools in his van to all the automotive repair shops. They are definitely in the know, and they know when someone leaves or when a position opens up. What I’m saying to you is this; you don’t have to do everything the old way, you have to use your creativity and open your mind to other potential opportunities, things that other people may not be looking for – sometimes using unique strategies when searching for a job will yield the best results.Further, if you are a creative person, and a better detective while looking for a job, then I’d say you probably deserve it more than the next person. After all, you are using your mind, and that’s what an employer really needs. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.